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1964 1st-year course in Fine Art, Escola Massana, Barcelona.

1968 Finishes her professional studies in piano

1969 Industrial design. Studies in Industrial Design at the Escola Eina in Barcelona.


1973 Architecture, specializing in Urbanism. Commences studies at the Escola Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona. Graduates as an architect in 1982.

1976-1979 vice-president of the Governing Body of the ADI-FAD (Associació de Dissenyadors Industrials i del Foment de les Arts Decoratives)

1981-1988 works as municipal architect with the Urban Elements and Projects team in Barcelona City Council’s Department of Urbanism

1987-1989  Directs the Urbana collection for the Santa & Cole design firm.

1987-1990  Responsible for the urban image of the Barcelona Film Festival.

1988-1992 Deputy director of the Municipal Institute for Urbanistic Promotion and Olympic Games.(IMPU’92).

1990 Responsible for the Olympic Areas of Vall d’Hebron, Diagonal and Montjüic.

1999 Dutch National Prize of Urbanism

1999-2005 Member of the Forum Catalunya demà : Els objectius i estratègies per un territori oganitzat sota criteris de sostenibilitat i cohesió territorial. Generalitat de Catalunya

2000 Member of the Comissió de Qualitat B. Ajuntament de Barcelona.

2003 Condecorated Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by French Government

2005 President of FAD (Promotion of Decorative Arts)

2005 Awarded with the Creu de Sant Jordi


1975 Starts his studies in the Escola Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona.


1977 Works with Antoni Gonzàlez, Miquel Milà and Ferran Freixa on the Plaza Tetuán remodelling project in Barcelona.


1978 Works with architects Antoni Gonzàlez and Víctor Argentí, on the Barcelona Heritage monument restoration. 


1980 Works for the Diputación de Barcelona monument restoration service.


1981 Works with architects Franc Fernández, Moisés Gallego on Several competitions, building, public space and restoration projects.


1986 Works with Ignasi de Solà-Morales, architect, on various theatre, heritage, schools and residential buildings. Works in the preliminary works for the Gran Liceu Barcelona Theatre restoration.


1988 Works in the Municipal Institute for Urbanistic Promotion and Olympic Games, directed by architect Beth Galí.


1992  Works with architects Moisés Gallego and Beth Galí on the Berlin Spreebogen Urban remodelling ideas competition.


1992 Starts collaboration with Beth Galí on multiple building, public space and Industrial design projects.


2002 3rd year Projects Professor in the Elisava School of design.



1990 Starts his studies in the Universidad de los Andes School of Architecture.                            


1995 International exchange program in School of Architecture. Mc Gill University Montreal, Canada.


1996 Graduates as architect by the School of Architecture Universidad de los Andes.                        


1997 Works with Owens Corning - Fiberglass Colombia. Bogotá (Colombia).

1997 Starts his postgraduate studies in the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.


1999 Masters Degree in Urban Projects by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.


2000 Postgradute Degree in Project Manager of Urbanism and Buildings by the COAC, Barcelona.

2000 Starts collaborating with Beth Galí / BB+GG architects in various building, public space and Industrial design projects.


2001 Works for Retzsch Lanao Caycedo Architects. Boca Raton (USA).


2001 works with BB+GG architects, Barcelona.

COLLABORATORS: Xavier ARRIOLA  / Laura BATALLA / Elisa BATTEZZATO / Bernat BASTARDAS / Valerie BERGERON / Anna BIRGISDOTTIR / Sonia BO / Javier BRUNELLO / Ramón CANALS / Nuria CASES / Alicia CONDE / Marc Philippe COUDEYRE / Sara DAUGE  / Alfonso DE LUNA / Pepa DE LA MORA / Irving DE LA ROSA / Brian DEBRUIJIN / Catrin DECHAMPS / Alessandra DINI / Ruth EDIDO / Jaume ESCANDELL / Olivier GALLEZ / Alex GIMENEZ / Marie GONZALEZ / Tobias GRANETZNG / Inger GROENVELD / Susana GUILLERMO / Valentina GURGO / Martine HAFERSTROH / Katja HOGENBOOM / Jordi JANSÀ / Femke JANSSEN / Pablo JUAREZ / Nadia KAYAT / Oliver KIENZLEN / Margaret KOOLE / Martien KUIPERS / Ronald KUNH / Christian KÜTTLER / Andrea LECHTE / Alexa LETHEN / Kathleen LINSTROM / Natalia LORENZO / Alvaro LOPEZ / Andrea LOTZ / Jeroen LUTTIKHUIS / Pernilla MAGNUSSON / Cristina MARAGALL / Paola MECANCCI / Imma MERINO / Catalina MESTRE / Shaaf MILANI-NIA / Kristian MOLBJERG / Maura MONENTE / Andrea MORGENSTERN / Barbara MOTTA / Vicenç MULET / Francesca NEPA / Clement NUIJENS / María PELLA / Maria Joao PINTO / Jaume PIÑOL / Marcos ROGER / Valentina ROJAS-HAUSER / Joaquim SAN JOAN / Armin SCHÄFER / Willem HEIN SCHENK / Paco SERT / Willemjin SOMERS / Thomas STIJN / Metchhild STUHLMACHER / Juan Francisco TAMAYO / Gonzalo TARONGI / Andrea TOUS / Arola TOUS / Hubert VAN DER LINDEN / Tecla VAN DIJK / Susanne VÉCSEY / Silvia VESPASIANI / Pieter WAŸER / Ruedi WURTH

© 2019 by Beth Galí SLP

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